BABA Fishing Tournament 2022
Friday, September 16, 2022 (6:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (CDT)
Tournament Awards & Cash Prizes:
A Trophy & CASH prize will be given to the individual angler for first and second place for both categories of Redfish and Trout in both the Guided and Non-Guided divisions.
Stringer Division Prize - A team award will be awarded for first place ONLY in both the Guided & Non-Guided divisions. A Trophy & CASH prize will be given to each team member. (Stringer is limited to a maximum of 2 red fish & 3 trout)
Texas Grand Slam – A SINGLE TEAM will be awarded the Trophy & a CASH prize will be given to each team member. (Team Prize) The Texas Grand Slam will be determined by the measured total length of the 3 designated species listed; redfish, trout and flounder.
CASH Prize Amounts:
1st Place - Red Fish Guided – $900 (Individual cash prize)
2nd Place - Red Fish Guided – $450 (Individual cash prize)
1st Place - Red Fish Non-guided – $900 (Individual cash prize)
2nd Place - Red Fish Non-guided – $450 (Individual cash prize)
1st Place - Trout Guided – $900 (Individual cash prize)
2nd Place - Trout Guided – $450 (Individual cash prize)
1st Place - Trout Non-guided – $900 (Individual cash prize)
2nd Place - Trout Non-guided – $450 (Individual cash prize)
BAF category – (Big Ass Fish) - $200 (Individual cash prize)
Stringer Category for Guided & Non-Guided Divisions – Team cash prize of $200 to each team member
Texas Grand Slam - Team cash prize of $350 to each team member.
BABA Fishing Captain's Meeting - Dinner Sponsor
BABA Fishing Captain's Meeting - Beverage Sponsor

BABA Fishing Captain's Meeting-Photo Booth Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Mosquito Spray Sponsor
BABA Fishing - Leaderboard Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Trophy Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Hand Sanitizer Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Neck Gaiter Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Sunscreen Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Breakfast Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Boat Bag Sponsor

BABA Fishing - T-Shirt Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Awards Luncheon Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Awards Luncheon Beverage Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Cooler Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Towel Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Hat Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Snack Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Rod Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Drawing Sponsor

BABA Fishing - BAF Sponsor

BABA Fishing - Measuring Stick Sponsor
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