GHBA Distinguished Member Program
You've done the work... now it's time to be recognized! Apply below to join the GHBA Distinguished Member Program.
What it takes to be a Distinguished Member:
- Must maintain an active GHBA membership.
- Must attend at least 10 GHBA events during the year.
- Must have previously served on a council board, or committed to volunteer/serve on a board or committee in the upcoming year.
- Must be a current HOME-PAC member with a minimum of $500 contribution. (If you have not yet donated, visit to support GHBA's advocacy efforts.)
How You'll be Celebrated:
- Listing in the GHBA Distinguished Member online directory
- Recognition in Houston Builder magazine
- Distinguished Member logo for use on your website, business cards and promotional items
- A Distinguished Member lapel pin to wear at GHBA events
Cynthia Fagan
Vice President of Membership